Uncle Normie

This blog is devoted to preserving the enormis whopping bullshit put out by Uncle Normie in his incessant brayings about creditwrench.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Here is your answer stupid

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Joined: October 16 2004
Location: United States
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Posts: 562
Posted: March 30 2005 at 1:48pm | IP Logged Quote Creditwrench

E. Normis wrote:
Wrench, ever talk to your doctor about the possibility of obtaining a prescription for sense of humor pills?
Did you ever talk to your doctor about the possibility of obtaining a prescription for sense of decency pills? I didn't think so.

How about anti-falsehood pills? You definitely need a strong prescription of that for what ails you. I'd say you would need at least 1 million gram sized doses per pill for that in your sad condition.

And anti-stupidity pills? I doubt they will ever be able to come up with pills that would be strong enough to cure your enormis stupidity although Dopeamine might help some.

Then there are the pills. You don't need those. You are already a big

All in all there isn't much hope for you however.

Hello Normie

Hello Normie.

Just a test post to make sure you will get the messages I post on this blog as I post them.

A Boob's blog

is a total when it comes to blogging or trying to win a battle of wits. He occasionally puts up some new post on his blog illegally stolen from CREDITWRENCH CEO Bill Bauer and imagines that is going to get him some attention in the search engines. He also seems to think that his are going to even be seen by anyone likely to come into contact with Creditwrench or Bill Bauer. In his poor deranged mind he seems to believe that he can somehow win a with a blog that has no valid links from anywhere except those he has generated by spamming news groups.

Anyone who happens to run into or his postings should be aware that he is a and is therefore a member of the which is well known for being mostly comprised of , and a vast array of other types of mentally deranged people who really ought to be incarcerated in a mental institution or prison rather than being allowed to prey on those who have fallen behind on their bills for whatever reason.

is such a that even though he knows that Bill Bauer has a vast array of blogs and web pages he still continues to post his on his blog.

It is indeed a great that we here in this United States of America do not have the same Unemployment laws that they do in Germany so that members of the might be put to some more useful purpose.