Uncle Normie

This blog is devoted to preserving the enormis whopping bullshit put out by Uncle Normie in his incessant brayings about creditwrench.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Sucker punched again

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Posted: February 15 2005 at 8:15pm | IP Logged Quote Creditwrench

E. Normis wrote:

ISO More Credit wrote:
But if someone wants to search on you and your information

Well said. Anyone who plans on doing business
Geez! Now I've turned him into a schizophrenic jackass that is so discombooberated that he's talking to himself.!!!

[quote]The best way to do that is to research an alternative opinion to the hype, and that's what I provide. For free!

Au Contrare Monsewer schizophrenic jackass, you provide the all the hype and get caught with your panties down every time.

CREDITWRENCH and foreclosure procedures

Next I will be dicussing why there is no judgment to vacate in a nonjudicial foreclosure of security interest property, nonconsensual liens, and cool stuff like that.

Might also have some time to touch on some staunch supporters of CREDITWRENCH CEO Bill Bauer, like Kate Grayson? :-)